Queen Okechukwu (DivineFavour)

“First of all, my divine meeting with the Apostle was ordained by God because as at the time our path crossed, I was earnestly searching for a different dimension of kingdom service revealed to me as my next assignment.
My former mentor had gotten married and left Enugu at that time for Lagos. God told me not to worry, He was going to hand me over to a more active mentor, and He did through a Facebook post made by the Apostle that touched me and like a balm of Gilead, soothed my soul. I chatted her up and that was it, I was connected to HFTA. It has been an amazing experience, one after the other since then, with me living in fulfillment of purpose.
I have experienced love.
Before I joined HFTA Ministry life had been dead toxic for me – emotionally, psychologically, financially, socially and most importantly, health wise.
When I joined HFTA family, the Apostle first dealt with my emotions. I was constantly counseled by the Apostle. In fact, God through her, made me understand I was still needed, valued and important no matter what. She then went on to take care of all my health challenges. I had been on blood pressure drugs yet my blood pressure stayed at 190-180/90- 100. As a young lady, that was way too high but I lived with it before encountering HFTA family. Since then, my blood pressure has stabilized to normal. I can’t remember having to take drugs on a daily basis anymore. Again, the love is so wow!
Financially supportive always. My kids and I have benefited from HFTA family a whole lot.
I learnt how to fight and keep pushing through consistent prayers
and never giving up attitude!
Kudos to you ma, Apostle Nkiru Favourzion!
Finally, I have conquered so many wars, experienced grace, deeper communion with the HOLY SPIRIT and received revelations of Christ’s full involvement in my existence.
HFTA is a home to dwell because God in all ramifications has shown Himself strong for me and my family!”